Macht und Technik. Deleuze/Foucault und Deleuze/Guattari
Macht und Technik. Deleuze/Foucault und Deleuze/Guattari
23. Januar 2025
Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie, NIG, 3. Stock, 18:00 Uhr
Christoph Hubatschke: Minoritäre Technologien. Eine deleuzo-guattarische Technikphilosophie
Erstmals beleuchtet ein Forschungsband die bisher kaum beachteten technikphilosophischen Aspekte im Werk von Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattari. In einer systematischen Darstellung werden zentrale Begriffe wie Maschine, Gefüge, Kontrollgesellschaft und Post-Media sowie wichtige Referenzautoren wie Spinoza, Marx, Simondon, Leroi-Gourhan und Foucault diskutiert.
Mit seinem Konzept der »minoritären Technologien« aktualisiert Christoph Hubatschke die deleuzo-guattarische Techniktheorie und bezieht unter anderem auch feministische Einsätze mit ein. Deutlich stellt sich heraus, dass eine von Deleuze und Guattari informierte Technikphilosophie auch heute noch Antworten auf höchst relevante technopolitische Fragen gibt.
Jonas Oßwald: Deleuze und Foucault. Ein Dialog
Gilles Deleuze und Michel Foucault verband eine »philosophische Freundschaft«, so der Tenor. Doch trotz zahlreicher gegenseitiger Bezugnahmen, lobender Rezensionen und füreinander verfasster Vorworte gibt es bisher kaum Arbeiten, die sich mit dem philosophischen Gehalt dieser Beziehung befassen.
Jonas Oßwald zeigt erstmals die grundlegende und durchgehende dialogische Verflechtung der Philosophien Deleuze’ und Foucaults, von den frühen transzendentalphilosophischen Überlegungen bis
hin zur Frage der Macht, in der sich die Konturen von zwei komplex miteinander verwobenen Machtphilosophien abzeichnen, die sich trotz aller Differenzen und Spannungen letztlich in einem heterogenen Produktionsbegriff der Macht treffen.
Einleitung: Ralf Gisinger
Perspektiven auf zeitgenössische akademische Philosophie
Im Rahmen unseres Lesekreises setzen wir uns am 7. November in drei Impulsvorträgen mit Randgängen der Philosophie auseinander.
Donnerstag, 7. November, 19:00-21:30, HS 2G NIG
Jonas Oßwald: Normalisierung und Kontrolle in der akademischen Philosophie
Die akademische Philosophie hat seit 1945 eine Homogenisierung erfahren, die als eine diskursive Kolonisierung durch die analytische Philosophie verstanden werden kann. Diese Kolonisierung führt zum othering nicht-analytischer Diskurse als kontinentale Philosophie wie auch zur Normalisierung der Disziplin nach analytischem Vorbild. Während die analytische Philosophie als Modell für diese anhaltende Normalisierung dient, ist sie auch selbst das Produkt einer Normalisierung, die in den USA während des McCarthyismus stattfand und zur Anpassung des analytischen Mainstreams an die ideologischen Erfordernisse des Kalten Krieges führte. Als historisches Ergebnis dieses Prozesses kann der analytische Mainstream genealogisch als majoritäre Philosophie der Gegenwart definiert werden. Die wichtigsten Normalisierungstechniken der akademischen Philosophie, wie prepublication peer review und quantifizierende Forschungsevaluierung, erweisen sich machttheoretisch als eine strategisch kohärente Intensivierung disziplinärer Machttechniken. Diese Techniken zielen in erster Linie darauf ab, die Kosten intellektueller Arbeit zu senken, Forschung zu kontrollieren, den quantifizierbaren Forschungsoutput zu steigern und die relative Autonomie der Forschenden zu brechen.
Ulrike Kadi: Hat Psychoanalyse etwas mit Denken zu tun?
Manchen Psychoanalytiker*innen gilt das Denken als eine anzustrebende,notwendige Funktion. Thomas Ogden (2010) etwa beschreibt drei psychoanalytisch relevante Formen: magisches Denken, Traumdenken und transformatives Denken. Die Denkfähigkeit kann beeinträchtigt sein: Mit dem operationalen Denken (Marty, de M’Uzan 1963/1978) ist eine defiziente Form des Denkens angesprochen, die ihre Entdecker vor allem bei psychosomatisch Erkrankten zu beobachten meinten. In der
Psychoanalyse finden sich aber auch denkkritische Ansätze, wenn Jacques Lacan (1974/2016) das Denken damit gleichsetzt, „dass Wörter gewisse dumme Vorstellungen in den Körper einführen“. Ist es ein spezielles Denken, das die Psychoanalyse kennzeichnet? Oder ist es eine spezielle Form der Psychoanalyse, die sich mit dem Denken einlassen will?
Arno Böhler: Kunst basiertes Philosophieren.
Nach 2000 Jahren Inkubationszeit ist die sokratische Form des Philosophierens für Nietzsche in der Europäischen Moderne zum Standardmodell des akademischen Philosophierens geworden. Philosophie wurde Sprachphilosophie, die sich durch das dialektische, argumentative Durchsprechen von sprachlich artikulierten Positionen auszeichnet, die schließlich auf ihre (logische) Konsistenz und Dichotomien hin überprüft werden. Schon in der griechischen Antike hat sich diese platonisch-sokratische Episteme gegen die mythische (narrative) Form des Philosophierens gewendet, die schließlich zum Ausschluss der Künste aus dem idealen Staat geführt hatte. Das Verhältnis von Mythos, Kunst und Philosophie ist seither antagonistisch.
Mit Nietzsches Forderung nach einer „Umkehr des Platonismus“ hat er im 19. Jhd. selbst eine neue post-sokratische und post-platonische Epoche des Philosophierens eingeläutet, in der den Künsten neuerlich eine führende Rolle in Hinblick auf künftige Formen des Philosophierens eingeräumt worden sein wird. Philosophie wird nun wesentlich Ästhetik; sprich eine sensible Form des Denkens, in der sich ein ästhetisches Bild des Denkens(Deleuze) seinen Weg bahnt, die in Nietzsches Figur der Künstler-Philosoph:in gipfelt, die er in Jenseits von Gut und Böse kommen sieht: Philosoph:innen der Zukunft, die sich durch ihren „umgekehrten Hang und Geschmack“ von ihren Ahnen unterscheiden. Die ästhetische Revolution einer sensiblen Form des Denkens, die Nietzsche im Sinn hatte und in der Tat kommen sah, geht folglich Hand in Hand mit einer Umkehr unseres ästhetischen Sinns. Um nicht zu sagen, mit einer Revolution unserer Herzen.
Foucault and Marx. Ambivalences, Legacies, and Future Struggles
Foucault and Marx. Ambivalences, Legacies, and Future Struggles
International Symposium
18–19 October 2024
University of Vienna, Austria
The symposium aims to explore the tense relationship between Foucault and Marx and, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Foucault’s death in 2024, to put it into perspective with regard to Foucault’s intellectual legacy. Foucault is generally perceived as a harsh critic of Marxism, both in terms of its analytical possibilities and political dangers. This contrasts strongly not only with Foucault’s repeated emphasis on the centrality of Marx, but also with clear theoretical parallels. The subject of the symposium is therefore the question of how this ambivalence is to be understood, what it means for possible continuations of the Foucauldian project and to what extent the Foucault-Marx connection can be made fruitful for current and future questions.
The event takes place at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna and is part of the World Congress Foucault: 40 years after which is coordinating over 50 events worldwide to mark the 40th anniversary of Foucault’s death in 2024.
Organizing Team: Eva-Maria Aigner, Ralf Gisinger, Christoph Hubatschke, Eva Jägle, Jonas Oßwald
More Information:
Michael Hagner: "What the heart tells you about the brain and the mind"
June 20th 2024, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 3A (NIG), Department of Philosophy (and online)
The Reading Circle of the Research Group “Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis” at the University of Vienna cordially invites you to the next public event:
Michael Hagner (ETH Zürich):
"What the heart tells you about the brain and the mind"
The relationship between body and mind occupies a central place in the history of European philosophy and science. Given the long period of around 2500 years, it may come as a surprise that no more than four theories have been developed since Greek antiquity to invent and understand this relationship. According to the first theory, which was valid for almost 2000 years, the mind is the result of a combination of (physical) matter and (animated) form. The second theory consists of an ontological dualism that separates body and mind. According to the third theory, the mind is a property of the body, or more precisely: of the brain. And with the fourth theory, the mind is again detached from the body: mind can also be realized in other matter, e.g. in a computer. My lecture is about the role that the heart plays in the first three theories. Aristotle is known to have argued that the heart (and not the brain) is the seat of the soul. What is less well known is that the heart also features in ontological dualism and in the modern theory of homo cerebralis: as an organic or metaphorical antagonist that challenges the purity and rationality of the mind.
Gemeinsame Lektüre: "Brave Neuro Worlds" (1999/2006)
Since 2021 the Reading Circle PS-GT-PA includes public events additionally to the monthly readings. Lectures and workshops have been held with Brian Massumi, Erin Manning, Avital Ronell, Didier Debaise, Shomo Choudhury, Alexis Shotwell and Vera Bühlmann.
Vera Bühlmann: The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore” (2024)
Vera Bühlmann: The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore” (2024)
January 26th 2024, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 2i (NIG), Department of Philosophy (and online)
The Reading Circle of the Research Group “Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis” at the University of Vienna cordially invites you to the next public event:
Vera Bühlmann (TU Wien):
The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore”
Vera Bühlmann's recent book The Digital, a Continent? Nature and Poetics (Birkhäuser, 2024) presents a natural philosophy way of thinking that draws from the optics and the sensibilities of New Materialisms: Mathematical, poetical and rhetorical ideations help to call, count, measure and proportion impersonal "thought" that "happens" much like the weather does. It foregrounds thereby an agency as we address it when we say "it rains", or "there is wind", or "a storm is coming". The chapters of this book show how for the cunning reason of a Mechanic in the old, artistic sense of the word (literally "one who thinks and acts resourcefully") there is neither a necessity for devotion nor humiliation involved when acknowledging that things in the first and last instance remain cryptic (dependent upon ciphering). For what the mechanic's craft excels in and reveals objectively is how to keep ideas and things moving and morphing, how to make them and render them referential and graspable beyond a strict nature-culture distinction. The knowledge the mechanic aims at conveying is how to domesticate the meanwhile: How can we develop ideations of energy, form and intellect in play together rationally and objectively, and yet in an indefinite variety of ways and across many scales? Such sites of play would have to be articulated and tuned by an architectonics for which world and earth are neither synonymous nor subjected one to the other. The chapters in this book explore the idea that we can better maintain active relations to ourselves and to the currently emerging paradigm(s) of planetary cultures, politics and economies when we study how there is coding at work not only in the human domain but also in the natural world too. But how to think of such an idea of "coding", how to consider the relations between method, poetics, technics and the arts? The talk will explore resonances to Werner Hamacher's 95 Theses on Philology (2009) as well as his notion of "Ex Tempore" in On the Brink. Language, Time, History and Politics (2020).
Register for online participation:
Vera Bühlmann is Professor for Architecture Theory at Vienna University of Technology TU, and director of the research group Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics ATTP.
Since 2021 the Reading Circle PS-GT-PA includes public events additionally to the monthly readings. Lectures and workshops have been held with Brian Massumi, Erin Manning, Avital Ronell, Didier Debaise, Shomo Choudhury and Alexis Shotwell.
Reading and Research Circle
Der Fachbereich veranstaltet einen monatlichen Lesekreis mit regelmäßigen öffentlichen Vorträgen und Workshops.
Mehr Informationen auf Deutsch.
More information about our monthly Reading Circle in English.
Alexis Shotwell: "Working or playing at freedom" - Lecture and Discussion (2023)
Alexis Shotwell: "Working or playing at freedom" - Lecture and Discussion (2023)
October 20th 2023, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 2G (NIG), Department of Philosophy (and online)
The Reading Circle of the Research Group “Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis” at the University of Vienna cordially invites you to the next public event:
Alexis Shotwell (Carleton University Ottawa)
Working or playing at freedom
Abstract: Ursula Le Guin thinks of freedom as an ongoing process, a practice rather than an achievement, something to be worked on rather than won. While our freedom can be stolen from us, in her work, it cannot be given to us: we each must manifest it through our unique, specific lives. Such freedom, she argues, is only really available in societies organized around justice and mutual aid. It does not fully exist yet. Perhaps along the way to social relations not organized to benefit some and oppress many, practicing freedom can open more possibilities for us individually and for our collective worlds. Because the work of creating such freedom is ongoing, Le Guin and others conceive of freedom as something we build in an ongoing way – we never stop working on it. The worry about such a accounts: They may reinforce ableist and productivist normative commitments that bolster capitalist value structures. In this paper, I elaborate those worries, and think with Le Guin and others about the connections among freedom, the idea that we each have worth in virtue of our uniqueness, and the promise of idle play as a form of creating beauty.
Register for online participation:
Alexis Shotwell is a professor at Carleton University, on unceded Algonquin territory. She is the co-investigator for the AIDS Activist History Project, and author of Knowing Otherwise: Race, Gender, and Implicit Understanding and Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised Times.
Since 2021 the Reading Circle PS-GT-PA includes public events additionally to the monthly readings. Lectures and workshops have been held with Brian Massumi, Erin Manning, Avital Ronell, Didier Debaise and Shomo Choudhury.
Upcoming Events 2023: Reading, Lecture and Discussion with Shomo Choudhury
Next dates
April 28th, Friday, 6pm: Reading "Treatise on Nomadology - The War Machine" (second part), A Thousand Plateaus (pp. 380-423), online
May 16th, Tuesday, 5pm: Lecture of Shomo Choudhury (Jawaharlal Nehru University) "Theatre, War and the Limits of Scenario-thinking", online and at Rote Bar/Volkstheater (organized by Arno Böhler).
May 26th, Friday, 6pm: Discussion and Reading with Shomo Choudhury, online
Register here if you are interested to join:
More Information
Shomo Choudhury: "Theatre, War and the Limits of Scenario-thinking"
Abstract: My talk will be called "Theatre, War and the Limits of Scenario-thinking". The talk will start with Deleuze and Guattari' s concept of the "war machine." It will discuss their first main reference in the chapter from A Thousand Plateaus, which is to Georges Dumezil. I will discuss the chapter' Nexum and Mutuum' from Dumezil's book Mitra Varuna. I'll bring up the question of debt, defaulting and clemency as the three moments of the structure of sovereignty, in which the notion of militant clemency from Dumezil will signify the opening on to the concept of the war machine.
After this I will make a historical investigation of Shakespeare's history plays, particularly Richard III, as an example of the war machine, in its political exteriority to sovereignism and its legitimation strategies of the modern age. This will also include a short detour into the notion of Holy War in Theology as a genealogy of legitimization of modern state Warfare.
The third sequence of the talk will involve a reading of Antonin Artaud's theatre and the plague as an extreme theatricalization of the war machine (during a plague) as a theatre of cruelty. The mode of this "cruel" theatre thinking is the scenario. The other reference from Artaud will be his 'Scenario the conquest of Mexico.' This sequence will reach up to present day preoccupation with biowar as well as biopolitics, so much in currency during the COVID period. The last part of my talk will explore the limits of "Scenario-thinking" during the neo-liberal period of Capitalist globalization where all wars are in a sense part of a generalised Capitalist civil war. In this regime, the crisis of legitimization is particularly exacerbated by the extreme relativism of media society where one scenario crosses out another, such that war becomes nearly banal and structural. The particular reading I have in mind for this section is Peter Sloterdijk's Terror from the Air.
In the conclusion I'll take up the example of the Ukraine-Russia war as both the manifestation of crisis of legitimation in contemporary media society as well as a "symptom" of global civil war.
Shomo Choudhury is Professor at the School of Arts and Aesthetics/ Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi). His research practices combine „classic“ philosophy, performance, theatre studies and own theatre productions (as director as well as performer). He follows an intercultural approach that emanates from European as well as Indian artistic and theoretical tradition.
Didier Debaise: "The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences" - Lecture and Discussion
Didier Debaise: "The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences" - Lecture and Discussion
January 27th 2023, 6-8pm (CET), Zoom
The Reading Circle of the Research Group “Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis” at the University of Vienna cordially invites you to the next public event:
Didier Debaise (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
"The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences"
January 27th 2023, 6-8pm (CET)
Lecture and Discussion (online)
Debaise is currently working on a series of texts around Bruno Latour's thought. Thus, in his lecture, he will present his research: bringing together his interpretation of Whitehead (“Cosmology of the Moderns”), laid out in the book Nature as Event. The Lure of the Possible, with Latour’s Inquiry into Modes of Existence.
Register here to get the Zoom-Link and reference texts:
Didier Debaise is Professor for Contemporary Philosophy at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and permanent researcher at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique. His main areas of research are contemporary forms of speculative philosophy, philosophy of nature, and links between American pragmatism and the French contemporary philosophy. He wrote several books on Whitehead’s philosophy (Un empirisme spéculatif, Le vocabulaire de Whitehead and L’appât des possibles), edited volumes on pragmatism (Vie et experimentation), on the history of contemporary metaphysics (Philosophie des possessions), and he wrote numerous papers on Bergson, Tarde, Souriau, Simondon, and Deleuze. Two of his books appeared in English: Nature as Event (Duke University Press) and A Speculative Empiricism (Edinburgh University Press).
Since 2021 the Reading and Research Circle PS-GT-PA (initiated by Arno Böhler) includes public events additionally to the monthly readings. This lecture follows a workshop in December with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi on “The Three Ecologies”.
Avital Ronell: "The Many Closures of Deconstruction" - Lecture and Discussion
June 15th 2022, 6-8pm (CET), Zoom
The Reading Circle of the Research Group “Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis” at the University of Vienna cordially invites you to the next public event:
Avital Ronell (New York)
"The Many Closures of Deconstruction"
Lecture and Discussion (online)
Register to get the Zoom-Link:
Avital Ronell is Professor for German and Comparative Literature at New York University and one of the most radical thinkers of our time. In her work, she has written extensively about deconstruction, poststructuralism, feminist philosophy, technical philosophy, political theory and psychoanalysis.
Since 2021 the Reading and Research Circle PS-GT-PA (initiated by Arno Böhler) includes public events additionally to the monthly readings. This lecture follows a workshop in December with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi on “The Three Ecologies”.
Workshop-Reihe: Was wird der Poststrukturalismus gewesen sein? (2022)
20.05.22, 10:00–13:00 (CET), HS 2i NIG: Kas Saghafi (Memphis), mit Beiträgen von Flora Löffelmann und Angelika Seppi (Achtung, Raum geändert!)
Organisation und Moderation: Eva-Maria Aigner, Arno Böhler, Jonas Oßwald
Infos und Anmeldung:
Die Workshop-Reihe geht von dem Befund aus, dass die theoretische Strömung des Poststrukturalismus zwar mit einer konstanten Reihe an Vertreter*innen assoziiert wird, es aber dennoch keinen Konsens über einen inhaltlichen Standpunkt gibt, der von all diesen Vertreter*innen geteilt wird. Das Label »Poststrukturalismus« funktioniert in pragmatischer Hinsicht, obwohl es inhaltlich unterbestimmt ist. Dies spiegelt sich aktuell auch in Debatten zu Post-Truth, in denen Kritiker*innen immer wieder die vermeintliche Verstrickung des Poststrukturalismus behaupten, ohne dabei dessen spezifische Kohärenz benennen zu können.
Ausgehend von dieser Situation unternimmt die Reihe den Versuch einer historischen und systematischen Situierung des Poststrukturalismus, die sich gleichzeitig als eine Art Resümee dieser theoretischen Strömung und als Befragung ihrer Aktualisierungspotenziale versteht.
Wenn die Workshop-Reihe also die, durchaus polemisierende, Frage stellt, was es denn nun gewesen sein wird, was man als Poststrukturalismus bezeichnete, soll das Futur II, das Jacques Derrida als Zeitform eines Sprechens über das Ereignis geprägt hat, sowohl zu einer Historisierung als auch Öffnung auf einen zukünftigen »Poststrukturalismus« einladen. Die Veranstaltung schließt an die Workshop-Reihe 2020/21 an.
Workshop: Three Ecologies with Erin Manning & Brian Massumi
17.12.21, 6-8pm (CET), Zoom
We invite you cordially to this public session of the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism-Gender Theory-Psychoanalysis" on Guattari's The Three Ecologies with Erin Manning & Brian Massumi.
Register to get the text and Zoom-Link:
In The Three Ecologies (1989) Félix Guattari outlined his unique concept of ecosophy, a connection of three ecological realms: environmental, social, mental ecology. He pleads for a transversal understanding of ecology and therefore develops an ethico-aesthetic program in times of Integrated World Capitalism (IWC).
In this public workshop of the Reading Circle (Research Group “PS-GT-PA”) we will discuss the text with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi.
Erin Manning (Concordia University) & Brian Massumi (University of Montreal) founded the 3ecologies Project, an autonomous organization for research-creation (following the SenseLab) that explores the active relations between art, philosophy and politics.
The Reading Circle was formed by members of the Research Group "Poststructuralism-Gender Theory-Psychoanalysis" early 2021 under the guidance of Arno Böhler and meets monthly to discuss texts that are in the fields of interest of the researchers. Readings until now were Barad, Simondon, Deleuze/Guattari, Malabou, Althusser, Chakrabarty, Soka. Since October 2021 the new format of the Reading Circle includes public workshops with leading experts on the discussed topics.
Organisation: Arno Böhler, Manu Sharma, Mathias Schönher, Ralf Gisinger
Workshop-Reihe: Was wird der Poststrukturalismus gewesen sein? (2020/21)
Organisation und Moderation: Eva-Maria Aigner, Arno Böhler, Jonas Oßwald
Infos und Anmeldung:
(English version)
Diskussionsrunde: Resilienzen?
05.03.21, 18:00 (online, Vienna Time)
Organisation: Stefanie Graefe und Kilian Jörg
Meeting-ID: 923 0168 1120
Kenncode: 843994
Weitere Informationen
Jour Fixe
Der nächste Jour Fixe des Fachbereichs wird sich am 04.12. (18:30 Uhr, HS 3D, NIG) mit Spivaks Kritik an Deleuze und Foucault beschäftigen. Geleitet und moderiert wird dieser Lektüre-Workshop von Murat Ates und Christoph Hubatschke. Bei Interesse, bitte eine kurze Mail an für die Zusendung der Texte.