Der Forschungsbereich Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis versammelt aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten und -projekte am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien zu zentralen Fragen der Gegenwartsphilosophie.

Methodisch und theoretisch greifen die im Forschungsbereich versammelten Forschungsansätze auf dekonstruktive, poststrukturalistische, psychoanalytische, phänomenologische, gendertheoretische, feministische, postmarxistische und performative Ansätze zurück, um diese Positionen sowohl kritisch zu befragen als auch an konkreten Problemlagen zu erproben und produktiv weiter zu entwickeln.

Der Forschungsbereich organisiert regelmäßig Vorträge, Workshops und Tagungen und kooperiert mit zahlreichen Institutionen und Partner_innen in einem interdisziplinären und internationalen Kontext. Darüber hinaus legt der Forschungsbereich großen Wert auf die wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung und die Verankerung der Forschung in der Lehre an der Universität Wien.


Foucault and Marx. Ambivalences, Legacies, and Future Struggles

International Symposium
18–19 October 2024
University of Vienna, Austria

The symposium aims to explore the tense relationship between Foucault and Marx and, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Foucault’s death in 2024, to put it into perspective with regard to Foucault’s intellectual legacy. Foucault is generally perceived as a harsh critic of Marxism, both in terms of its analytical possibilities and political dangers. This contrasts strongly not only with Foucault’s repeated emphasis on the centrality of Marx, but also with clear theoretical parallels. The subject of the symposium is therefore the question of how this ambivalence is to be understood, what it means for possible continuations of the Foucauldian project and to what extent the Foucault-Marx connection can be made fruitful for current and future questions. 

The event takes place at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna and is part of the World Congress Foucault: 40 years after which is coordinating over 50 events worldwide to mark the 40th anniversary of Foucault’s death in 2024.


Organizing Team: Eva-Maria Aigner, Ralf Gisinger, Christoph Hubatschke, Eva Jägle, Jonas Oßwald


More Information:

Michael Hagner: "What the heart tells you about the brain and the mind" (2024)

On Thursday, June 20th 2024, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 3A (NIG) and online, the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis" will host a lecture by Michael Hagner (ETH Zürich), who will speak on: "What the heart tells you about the brain and the mind".

We will read and discuss Hagner's text "Brave Neuro Worlds" (1999/2006) in advance in the Reading Circle on May 31st, 6-8pm (online).

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Vera Bühlmann - The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore” (2024)

On Friday, January 26th 2024, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 2i (NIG) and online, the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis" will host a lecture by Vera Bühlmann (TU Wien): The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore”.

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Alexis Shotwell: "Working or playing at freedom" - Lecture and Discussion (2023)

On Friday, October 20th 2023, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 2G (NIG) and online, the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis" will host a lecture by Alexis Shotwell (Carleton University Ottawa): "Working or playing at freedom"

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Events Spring 2023: Reading, Lecture and Discussion with Shomo Choudhury


April 28th, Friday, 6pm: Reading "Treatise on Nomadology - The War Machine" (second part), A Thousand Plateaus (pp. 380-423), online

May 16th, Tuesday, 5pm: Lecture of Shomo Choudhury (Jawaharlal Nehru University) "Theatre, War and the Limits of Scenario-thinking", online and at Rote Bar/Volkstheater (organized by Arno Böhler).

May 26th, Friday, 6pm: Discussion and Reading with Shomo Choudhury, online


Register here if you are interested to join:

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Didier Debaise: "The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences" - Lecture and Discussion

On Friday, January 27th 2023, 6-8pm (CET), Zoom, the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis" will host a lecture by Didier Debaise (Université Libre de Bruxelles): "The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences"

Register here to get the Zoom-Link and reference texts:

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Recordings of the Public Events of the Reading Circle on Phaidra

Workshop "Three Ecologies" with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi:

Lecture Avital Ronell - "The Many Closures of Deconstruction":

Avital Ronell: "The Many Closures of Deconstruction" - Lecture and Discussion (2022)

On Wednesday, June 15th 2022, 6-8pm (CET), Zoom, the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis" will host a lecture by Avital Ronell (New York): "The Many Closures of Deconstruction".

Register here to get the Zoom-Link:

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Reading and Research Circle

There is a Research and Reading Circle taking place on the last Friday every month.

More information: Deutsch or English

Workshop-Reihe "Was wird der Poststrukturalismus gewesen sein?" (2022)

Fortsetzung der Workshopreihe 2022 mit Vorträgen u.a. von Laura Cull, Thomas Nail und Kas Saghafi

Mehr Informationen hier

Workshop Reading Circle: Three Ecologies with Erin Manning & Brian Massumi

On Friday, December 17th 2021 the Reading Circle "Poststructuralism-Gender Theory-Psychoanalysis" will host a workshop on Guattari's Three Ecologies with Erin Manning & Brian Massumi (Montreal).

Register to get the text and Zoom-Link:

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Aufzeichnungen der Workshop-Reihe auf Phaidra

Marc Rölli mit Ko-Referaten von Murat Ates und Eckardt Lindner:

Katja Diefenbach mit Ko-Referaten von Johanna Braun und Christoph Hubatschke:

Workshop-Reihe "Was wird der Poststrukturalismus gewesen sein?" (2020/21)

Von Dezember 2020 bis März 2021 veranstaltet der Fachbereich eine Workshop-Reihe, u.a. mit Katja Diefenbach (Stuttgart/Frankfurt O.), Marc Rölli (Leipzig) und Marta Segarra (Barcelona), zur Frage, was es denn nun sei, was man Poststrukturalismus nennt. Weitere Informationen folgen.