Reading Circle – Information English

(Deutsche Version)

In 2021, Arno Böhler initiated a "Reading and Research Circle" together with other members of the department "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis". The aim of the Circle is on the one hand to read and discuss important and timely texts that fit the research interests of the members, on the other hand to create a space for connecting their respective research areas.

The sessions take place on the last Friday each month (online). One time per semester there should be a public lecture or workshop connected to the readings, for example in December 2021 the workshop "Three Ecologies" with the leading experts Erin Manning and Brian Massumi. Furthermore lectures and discussions with Avital Ronell (June 2022), Didier Debaise (January 2023), Shomo Choudhury (May 2023), Alexis Shotwell (October 2023).

The Reading Circle focuses on topics of "Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis" as well as the research areas of its members. If you are interested to participate, please contact:

Organization: Arno Böhler, Eva-Maria Aigner & Ralf Gisinger



May 31st 2024: Reading and Discussion of Michael Hagner's text "Brave Neuro Worlds" (1999/2006), 6-8pm (online).

June 20th 2024: Lecture by Michael Hagner (ETH Zürich): "Die Seele, der Geist und ihre Organe" (Arbeitstitel), 6-8pm, Hörsaal 3A (NIG) and online.


You may find recordings of our public events here.


Past sessions with topics/readings:



January 26th: Vera Bühlmann: The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore”, Public Lecture and Discussion

January: Vera Bühlmann: "Methods and the Comma, Mathematics of Human Knowledge", Part II (Input: Jure Krištić)


November/December: Vera Bühlmann: "Methods and the Comma, Mathematics of Human Knowledge", Part I

October: Alexis Shotwell: "Working or playing at freedom", Public Lecture and Discussion (Response: Kilian Jörg; Organization: Eva-Maria Aigner, Arno Böhler, Ralf Gisinger)

September: Alexis Shotwell: "Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised Times"

May: Discussion and Reading with Shomo Choudhury.

May: Lecture of Shomo Choudhury: "Theatre, War and the Limits of Scenario-thinking".

May: Shomo Choudhury: "Theatre, War and the Limits of Scenario-thinking"

April: Gilles Deleuze/ Félix Guattari: "Treatise on Nomadology - The War Machine" (second part), A Thousand Plateaus (pp. 380-423)

January: Didier Debaise: "The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences" - Public Lecture and Discussion (Response: Kilian Jörg; Introduction: Arno Böhler & Ralf Gisinger)


December: Didier Debaise: "Nature as Event. The Lure of the Possible" (Input: Rajlaxmi Ghosh)

November: Didier Debaise: "Nature as Event. The Lure of the Possible"

October: Didier Debaise: "Nature as Event. The Lure of the Possible"

June: Avital Ronell: "The Many Closures of Deconstruction" - Public Lecture (Response: Arno Böhler; Organization: Ralf Gisinger)

May: Gilles Deleuze/ Félix Guattari: "A Thousand Plateaus: Treatise on Nomadology - The War Machine" (Input: Eckardt Lindner)

April: Thomas Nail: "What is new materialism?" (in cooperation with the lecture series "What will poststructuralism have been?")

March: Thomas Nail/ Christopher Gamble: "Black Hole Materialism"; Thomas Nail: "Biopower and Control" (Input: Ralf Gisinger & Arno Böhler)

February: Discussion on (philosophical) friendship between Deleuze and Foucault. Input: Jonas Oßwald, Mathias Schönher, Arno Böhler

January: Laura Cull: "Done Dying" (in cooperation with the lecture series "What will poststructuralism have been?")



December: Public Workshop "Three Ecologies" with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi (Introduction: Arno Böhler, Manu Sharma, Mathias Schönher, Ralf Gisinger)

November: Félix Guattari: "The Three Ecologies" (Input: Cristina Chitu & Elisabeth Wildling)

October: Félix Guattari: "The Three Ecologies"

June: Soka: "The Pulsating Heart and its Divine Sense Energies: Body and Touch in Abhinavagupta’s Trika Sahivism"; "The Aphorisms of Shiva" (Input: Elke Pichler & Arno Böhler)

May: Catherine Malabou: "Whither Materialism? Darwin/Althusser"; Louis Althusser: "The Underground Current of the Materialism of the Encounter"; Dipesh Chkrabarty: "Provincializing Europe" (Input: Jonas Oßwald)

April: Gilles Deleuze/ Félix Guattari: "A Thousand Plateaus: The Geology of Morals" (Input: Ralf Gisinger & Mathias Schönher)

March: Gilbert Simondon: "The Genesis of the Individual" (Input: Eckardt Lindner)

February: Karen Barad: "What is the Measure of Nothingness" (Input: Tanja Traxler)