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- Veranstaltungen
- Macht und Technik. Deleuze/Foucault und Deleuze/Guattari (2025)
- Perspektiven auf zeitgenössische akademische Philosophie (2024)
- Foucault and Marx. Ambivalences, Legacies, and Future Struggles - International Symposium (2024)
- Michael Hagner: "What the heart tells you about the brain and the mind" (2024)
- Vera Bühlmann - The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in Relation to a Philological “Ex Tempore” (2024)
- Reading and Research Circle (ongoing)
- Alexis Shotwell: "Working or playing at freedom" - Lecture and Discussion (2023)
- Events Spring 2023: Reading, Lecture and Discussion with Shomo Choudhury
- Didier Debaise: "The Earth of the Moderns. How to Inherit Latour's Inquiry into Modes of Existences" - Lecture and Discussion (2023)
- Avital Ronell: "The Many Closures of Deconstruction" - Lecture and Discussion (2022)
- Workshopreihe "Was wird der Poststrukturalismus gewesen sein?" (2022)
- Workshop Reading Circle: Three Ecologies with Erin Manning & Brian Massumi (2021)
- Workshop-Reihe "Was wird der Poststrukturalismus gewesen sein?" (2020/21)
- Material